Friday, October 12, 2012

Unselfish Living

As I sat staring at my beautiful friend this morning, I was reminded of how truly sacred life is and to LIVE IT!
I saw this remarkable woman, who has such an amazing story to share with us all, talk about how blessed she was to be ALIVE, how wonderful her family and friends are, how amazing her church is and how she is simply just looking forward to going on a walk around the lake again. She talked about how we really never know how long we have (illness or not) on this beautiful planet, and that we should really embrace every second of every day.
Some people are meant to cross your path to teach you a much needed lesson, all cross your path for a reason. I know that I am certainly appreciative that GOD directed us, not only to cross paths, but to walk along on this path together. If you need my hand ever Katrina ... just reach out.
The world NEEDS more people like Katrina Crooks.