Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Get to KNOW ME!!!

HI!!! I'm Joni Johnston ... I am a wife, a mom, a business owner, an NPC figure competitor, a fitness instructor and hopefully, a bit of a motivator. I love the LORD, I love my family and I love my friends. The picture above is exactly how I live my life... FULL of energy! I surround myself with positive people and shy away from DRAMA! I forgive all, but have a hard time forgetting. I am a girly girl, without the maintenance - I can hold my own.
If you think I spend my time worrying about what you are doing, you are WRONG. I am to busy planning my future with my family, my friends and my business. And in that order.

Over the last year, I have done a lot of growing as an individual. I don't think that I finally realized the importance of life, I just think that is has become clearer to me. HAPPINESS! I choose it. No One can take it away from me, unless I let them. I choose to NOT let them. I choose to be HAPPY!

I am who I am, not who they say I am! If you want to know me, ASK me. I would love to get to know you all. I built my business, Fitness 4 Life on the concept of Being the Best YOU can be, not comparing myself to others in this world. GOD made me to be me, I'm not perfect, but I am a good wife, mom & friend.

Thank you,