Monday, July 18, 2011

Reflection Time

This year, I had my sights set on competing in the Jon Lindsay show in May and then off for my National debut in July ... funny how life has other plans for you. While I was training, I ended up hurting my Achilles and got taken out of the game. Disappointed, I rearranged my plans and competed at the NPC TERMINATOR in July. I placed 4th in the JR Masters Division. After that show, I realized that I need to take some time off and re-build my body, not for the judges, FOR ME.

While I am taking time for me, I will be dedicating much of my time to helping 5 individuals with their first ever competition. I am thrilled that they have chosen me to help guide them, with the help of my trainer (ERNIE VILLEGAS). I know WE can deliver and help them reach their goals! I am extremely excited to watch as they transform their bodies and build them into the best ever!

Competitions are not for everyone,  you are in front of hundreds/thousands of individuals in high heels and a barely there suit .... posing, smiling, breathing and concentrating on not tripping, while the whole time 6 judges are critiquing your every muscle. SO, why do I do it??? I ENJOY IT! I do not need a trophy to know that I am in excellent shape, it is the journey of getting to that moment when you have pushed your body to the extreme ... and was it worth it ... HELL YES!

I have to have goals, I have to be challenged. I thank these individuals for having faith in me and I promise you, I will give 110% to training you to be the best YOU can be. I ask in return, you give me 110% ... WE CAN DO IT!!!!

Joni Johnston
NPC National Figure Competitor
Fitness 4 Life Owner
and now Contest Prep