Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The ones that are always there

  You don’t need a lot of friends - just some really good ones. 

When you find your forever friends - you just know! The ones that do not need explanation - the ones that forgive - the ones that are just good fun!! 

They’ve been there for you through the good times, the rough moments, and everything in between. They pick you up when you’re feeling down and lift you up even higher when you’re on top of the world. They’re the first person to like and comment on your Instagram posts or send you a text when you need it most. 

Maybe you're lucky enough to see your BFF every day, or perhaps you don't see them nearly as often as you'd like (especially in this season of social distancing)—but none of that matters when it comes to a true bestie. 

We often forget to tell people—especially those closest to us—just how important they are to our lives - a reminder to my gals .... 

I have been blessed to find some of the most fabulous friends ever. Some I have known forever, some I have only known for a few years  - I cherish them all. 

Life is so much more fun with great girlfriends. 💙

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