Friday, February 26, 2021

My First Born Is Graduating


I think back to my graduation ... a small fish in a pool of so many others. I look at Spencer and smile. This kid, so independent, so ready to conquer the world. He has a vision and he knows what he wants in life. I love that - seriously makes me so happy. 

When I was 18, I was trying to sneak into bars, was not thinking about anything healthy or even running to the store let alone a 5K. I was so not ready for adulthood! 

I am so proud of the young man he is. He has it together. Going to the gym, school and holding down a job. He has his priorities in life and nothing gets in his way. He calls us often. He calls the grandparents. ❤️  He gets this thing called life and that 10 minutes out of his day to call Gram/Gram and Papa is nothing in the scheme of life. AND wants to hang with us. I love that! 

2021 and our first born will be a graduate 👨‍🎓 . We could not be more proud ! Love you to the moon and back Spencer. 

Walden Grove Graduate 2021

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