Sunday, April 7, 2019

Just good people

I think, anytime you can be with people that make you feel fabulous, you should.  Those are your people. The ones that celebrate life. They celebrate you. All you successes. They are there for you when you slip and they are there for you when you excel. The kind of people that are always happy for you and never throw shade your way. 
I have been blessed in my life to have many of these individuals in my life. I am so thankful for all of them. Life is just so much easier when you do not have to watch what you say and you are free to be you.  No drama type of gals. I have long lost touch with high maintenance friendships. I just don’t have the time to babysit them. It is exhausting. 

Life is too short to be checking in on someone all the  time. Get with the people that love you and are genuinely happy for you - those are your forever friends. Your genuine friends.
Love them and thank them . 

I hope you all come across kind hearted people and know how very special they are. They are angels walking among us. 
Love J 

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